Thursday, 12 September 2013

Garnffrwd sheild final 2013

Well last sunday saw the end of the Garnffrwd sheild come to and end and it was very close at the top.There were just a few points in it. Running up to the comp i have to say that the fishing hs been very tough and challenging to even the accomplished angler i put this down t the weather we have had over the last few months.
After our stay at Garnffrwdd the weekend before last which i have to say was an absolute briliant weekend and we cant wait to do it again soon we thought that we were in for a tough days fishing but as the week progressed the fishery was getting better by the day.
So sunday in the car me and dai jones were very pumped up and talked tactics and flies all the way to the fishery. So first things first was a bacon bap form the cafe which as always was awsome picked our pes then set up our tackle.
Im not going to give you a low down on every peg as this would bore you but what i can tell you is the pegs i had in the morning fished really well i landed a few and dropped a few aswell which was a good start for me as i was in second place overall on 18 points and had to do my everything i could to clinche that 1st place.
I fished my sock of all day and was rewarded as by the end of the day i had 6 rainbows and 2 brownies under my belt but due to chris who was joint 1st with dai on 24 points catching to late fish he managed to keep me from clinching that 1st place. Unfortunately dai only manged 3 rainbows and  it was enough to keep me from taking second place.
The most productive fly for me on the day was a black spider with small pearl bead for a little weight i landed 2 rainbow and 2 browns on that fly and leading up to the comp this fly is what i have caught all my fish on bar one the other 3 where caught on a damsel pattern i will post picture of these flies.

the final results for the day where s follows

1st on the day and second overall Matthew Pate (me)
2nd on the day and first overall Chris Jones
no placing and third overall Dai Jones

Here are a few photos the the fishery owner James Miller took who i have also got to thank for giving us such a welcome i would recommend this place to anyone.
here are a few pictures taken by jamie from sundays comp

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