Wednesday 2 January 2013

Trout fry

I went to the fish farm yesterday and was over the moon with the newly hatched fish we have had a brilliant hatch this year and everything is going good and fingers crossed that everything will work out and that most of them will survive although there will be some that don't make it but that is usual. I spent about 20 minute yesterday taking out dead fry and none hatched eggs and compared to last year I didn't have much out. The fry are already starting to swim up to the top of the water and once they're sack is gone from the under belly they will start to feed. I took a couple of good picture yesterday I borrowed dais camera so ill put them on for you to see. The only thing that needs to happen now is this seasons fish need to be bulked up as soon as possible and ready to stock as march the 3rd is coming rather quick. Tonight is the first meeting of the year so I'm gona go down to see wot is gona happen in the new year and weather there are any chages to the rules or if they have decided to embrace a catch and release rule for some members who do not want to take fish from the llyn. I have spoke to a few members about this and some agree and the few that don't are really dead against it and think that it will spoil the fishing, but some people are afraid of change and stuck in the good old days but that is just my oppinion.
These are the photos that I took at the farm yesterday.

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